Watanabe, Y., Ozaki, K., Harada, M., Matsumoto, H., and Tajika, E. (2025). Potential links between intense volcanism and transient oxygenations of the Archean atmosphere. Communications Earth & Environment, accepted.
Ozaki, K. (2025) Biogeochemical modeling of global nutrient cycle. Treatise in Geochemistry 3rd Ed.. [Link]
Tabata, H., Sekine, Y., and Ozaki, K. (2024). Iron redox states in closed-basin lakes on early Mars: Its sensitivity to water chemistry, hydrology, and atmospheric composition. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 381, 97—115. [Link]
Watanabe, Y., Ozaki, K., and Tajika, E. (2024). Marine phosphate level during the Archean constrained by the global redox budget. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL108077. [Link]
Watanabe, Y.* and Ozaki, K.* (2024). Relative abundances of CO2, CO, and CH4 in atmospheres of Earth-like lifeless planets. The Astrophysical Journal, 961:1. [Link][プレスリリース@東工大][EurekAlert!] *Co-first author
Smart, M. S., Filippelli, G., Gilhooly III, W. P., Ozaki, K., Reinhard, C. T., Marshall, J. E. A., Whiteside, J. H. (2023). The expansion of land plants during the Late Devonian contributed to the marine mass extinction. Communications Earth & Environment 4, 449. [Link][プレスリリース@インディアナ大]
Watanabe, Y., Tajika, E., and Ozaki, K. (2023). Evolution of iron and oxygen biogeochemical cycles during the Precambrian. Geobiology, 00, 1—19. [Link]
Saitoh, M., Nishizawa, M., Ozaki, K., Ikeda, M., Ueno, Y., Takai, K., and Isozaki, Y. (2023). Nitrogen isotope record from a mid-oceanic paleo-atoll limestone to constrain the redox state of the Panthalassa ocean in the Capitanian (late Guadalupian, Permian). Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38, e2022PA004573. [Link]
Watanabe, Y., Tajika, E., and Ozaki, K. (2023). Biogeochemical transformations after the emergence of oxygenic photosynthesis and conditions for the first rise of atmospheric oxygen. Geobiology, 00, 1—19. [Link]
尾﨑和海 (2022) 光合成の進化が地球環境へ及ぼした影響. 光合成研究, 32, 140—150. Impacts of the evolution of photosynthesis on Earth's environment. Journal of the Japanese Society of Photosynthesis Research, 32, 140—150. (In Japanese) [Link]
Ozaki, K., Cole, D. B., Reinhard, C. T., and Tajika, E. (2022). CANOPS-GRB v1.0: a new Earth system model for simulating the evolution of ocean-atmosphere chemistry over geologic timescales. Geoscientific Model Development, 15, 7593—7639. [Link]
Cole, D. B., Ozaki, K., and Reinhard, C. T. (2022). Atmospheric oxygen abundance, marine nutrient availability, and organic carbon fluxes to the seafloor. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36, e2021GB007052. [Link]
Ozaki, K. and Reinhard, C. T. (2021). The future lifespan of Earth's oxygenated atmosphere. Nature Geoscience, 14, 138—142. [Link][プレスリリース@東邦大]
Kuroyanagi, A., Kawahata, H., Ozaki, K., Suzuki, A., Nishi, H., and Takashima, R. (2020). What drove the evolutionary trend of planktic foraminifers during the Cretaceous: Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs) directly affected it? Marine Micropaleontology, 161: 101924. [Link]
尾﨑和海 (2020) 物質循環モデルで探る地球大気と生命の共進化. 地球化学, 54, 153—172. *日本地球化学会奨励賞受賞記念論文 Ozaki, K. (2020). The coupled evolution of the atmosphere and life: A biogeochemical modeling perspective. Geochemistry, 54, 153—172. (In Japanese with English abstract) *Special paper for a Young Scientist Award 2019 by The Geochemical Society of Japan. [Link]
Ikeda, M., Ozaki, K., and Legrand, J. (2020). Impact of 10-Myr scale monsoon dynamics on Mesozoic climate and ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 10, 11984. [Link][プレスリリース@東大][プレスリリース@東邦大]
Planavsky, N. J., Reinhard, C. T., Isson, T. T., Ozaki, K., and Crockford, P. W. (2020). Large mass-independent oxygen isotope fractionations in mid-Proterozoic sediments: Strong evidence for a low-oxygen atmosphere. Astrobiology, 20: 628—636. [Link]
Ozaki, K., Thompson, K., Simister, R. L., Crowe, S. A., and Reinhard, C. T. (2019). Anoxygenic photosynthesis and the delayed oxygenation of Earth's atmosphere. Nature Communications, 10:3026. [Link][プレスリリース@東邦大][プレスリリース@ジョージア工科大]
Schwieterman, E. W., Reinhard, C. T., Olson, S. L., Ozaki, K., Harman, C. E., Hong, P. K., and Lyons, T. W. (2019). Rethinking CO "Anti-Biosignatures" in the search for life beyond Earth. The Astrophysical Journal 874:9. [Link] *Editor's highlighted paper.
Ozaki, K., Tajika, E., Hong, P. K., Nakagawa, Y., and Reinhard, C. T. (2018). Effects of primitive photosynthesis on Earth's early climate system. Nature Geoscience, 11: 55—59.[Link][プレスリリース@東大][プレスリリース@ジョージア工科大]
Ikeda, M., Tada, R. and Ozaki, K. (2017). Astronomical pacing of the global silica cycle recorded in Mesozoic bedded cherts. Nature Communications, 8: 15532. [Link][プレスリリース@静岡大]
Reinhard, C. T., Planavsky, N. J., Gill, B. C., Ozaki, K., Robbins, L. J., Lyons, T. W., Fischer, W. W., Wang, C., Cole, D. B., and Konhauser, K. O. (2017). Evolution of the global phosphorus cycle. Nature, 541: 386—389. [Link][プレスリリース]
Lenton, T. M., Dahl, T. W., Daines, S. J., Mills, B. J. W., Ozaki, K., Saltzman, M. R., and Porada, P. (2016). Earliest land plants created modern levels of atmospheric oxygen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113: 9704—9709. [Link][プレスリリース]
Lee, Cin-Ty A., Yeung, L. Y., McKenzie, N. R., Yokoyama, Y., Ozaki, K., and Lenardic, A. (2016). Two-step rise of atmospheric oxygen linked to the growth of continents. Nature Geoscience, 9: 417—424. [Link][プレスリリース@東大]
Ozaki, K. and Tajika, E. (2013). Biogeochemical effects of atmospheric oxygen concentration, phosphorus weathering, and sea-level stand on oceanic redox chemistry: Implications for greenhouse climates. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 373: 129—139. [Link]
Kashiyama, Y., Ozaki, K., and Tajika, E. (2011). Impact of the evolution of carbonate ballasts on marine biogeochemistry in the Mesozoic and associated changes in energy delivery to subsurface waters. Paleontological Research, 15: 89—99. [Link]
Ozaki, K., Tajima, S., and Tajika, E. (2011). Conditions required for oceanic anoxia/euxinia: Constraints from a one-dimensional ocean biogeochemical cycle model. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 304: 270—279. [Link]
Reinhard, C.T., Bozdag, O., Cole, D.B., Crowe, S.A., Droser, M.L., Erwin, D.H., Javaux, E.J., Love, G.D., Lyons, T.W., Mills, D.B., Olson, S.L., Ozaki, K., Planavsky, N.J., Ratcliff, W.C., Ridgwell, A., Saupe, E.E., Schwieterman, E.W., Sperling, E.A., Stockey, R.G., and Tarhan, L.G. (2020). Environmental drivers of evolving biological complexity on Earth. [white paper submitted in response to the Request for Information (RFI) on the Astrobiology Research Coordination Network — Early Cells to Multicellularity (ECM)].
Reinhard, C. T., Schwieterman, E. W., Olson, S. L., Planavsky, N. J., Arney, G. N., Ozaki, K., Som, S., Robinson, T. D., Domagal-Goldman, S. D., Lisman, D., Mennesson, B., Meadows, V. S., and Lyons, T. W. (2019). The remote detectability of Earth's biosphere through time and the importance of UV capability for characterizing habitable exoplanets. [white paper submitted in response to the solicitation of feedback for the Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics (Astro 2020) by the National Academy of Sciences]. arXive preprint arXiv:1903.05611, 2019.
東工大挑戦的研究賞 (2023年8月)
Top Cited Article 2019-2020 (Geobiology, 2021年4月)
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日本地球化学会 年会 学生優秀講演賞(2010年9月)
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科学研究費助成事業 国際共同研究強化(B)(分担) [2018-2020]
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採択課題:New quantitative approaches toward understanding the life history of an inhabited planet
科学研究費助成事業 若手研究(B) (代表)[2013-2016]
日本地球化学会 鳥居基金 [2012]
財団法人 日本科学協会 笹川科学研究助成 [2011-2012]
東京工業大学・東京大学 GCOE『地球から地球たちへ』リサーチアシスタント [2010]
学会発表 招待講演・基調講演・受賞講演
Ozaki, K. (2024) The tipping point for pervasive ocean anoxia. JpGU (千葉幕張メッセ, May)
Ozaki, K. Watanabe, Y., Schwieterman, E., Hong, P., Reinhard, C. T., and Tajika, E. (2022) The coupled evolution of life and the atmosphere during the early Archean. JpGU (Hybrid, May)
Ozaki, K. (2021) Conditions required for oceanic anoxia/euxinia revisited. Goldschmidt(Online, July)
Ozaki, K. and Reinhard, C. T. (2020) The future life span of Earth's oxygenated biosphere and its controlling factors. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 (Virtual, July)
Ozaki, K. (2020) The history of Earth's biospheric productivity: a biogeochemical modeling perspective. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 (Virtual, July)
Cole, D., Ozaki, K., Planavsky, N., and Reinhard, C. T. (2019) Intermediate atmospheric oxygen levels, ocean ventilation, and global biospheric productivity. Goldschmidt (Barcelona, Spain, August)
Ozaki, K. and Tajika, E. (2016) Stability and Dynamics of Proterozoic Oceanic Euxinia. Goldschmidt (Yokohama, Japan, June)
Reinhard, C. T., Crowe, S., Ozaki, K., and Thompson, KJ. (2016) An ecophysiological throttle on planetary oxygenation during the Archean. Goldschmidt (Yokohama, Japan, June)
Ozaki, K. andTajika, E. (2015) Climatic, tectonic, and biological factors affecting the oxidation state of the atmosphere and oceans: Implications for Phanerozoic O2 evolution. American Geophysical Union (San Francisco, USA, December)
Ozaki, K. (2024) Early Paleozoic oceans on the edge of anoxia, The Geological Society of America (Anaheim, September)
尾﨑和海 (2024) 古生代の大気海洋酸化還元状態の安定性, 日本地質学会 (山形, 9月)
Ozaki, K. (2024) How would have primitive biosphere affected the early atmosphere? CO world全体集会(白馬, 7月)
Ozaki, K. (2024) How to find CO worlds? JpGU (千葉幕張メッセ, May)
遠藤美朗, 渡辺泰士, 尾﨑和海 (2024) Impact of volcanic outgassing speciation on CO concentrations in planetary atmospheres. JpGU (千葉幕張メッセ, May)
Ozaki, K. and Itoh Y. (2024) Biogeochemical evolution before the emergence of oxygenic photosynthesis. Earth and Planets Origin and Evolution Workshops (Paris, May)
Ozaki, K. and Watanabe Y. (2023) CO2, CO, and CH4 abundance in the anoxic atmosphere on Earth-like exoplanets and its implications for the search for habitable planets. Goldschmidt (Lyon, July)
尾﨑和海, 渡辺泰士 (2023) Conditions required for the CO runaway on early Earth and biogeochemical cycles. 地球惑星科学連合大会2023年大会(千葉幕張メッセ 5月)
Ozaki, K. (2023) Coupled evolution of the atmosphere and life before the advent of oxygenic photosynthesis. Japanese-Canadian Frontiers of Science Symposium (Bunff, March).
Watanabe, Y., Tajika, E., and Ozaki, K. (2022) Co-evolution of atmosphere and marine biosphere driven by oxygenic photosynthesis before the Great Oxidation Event. Goldschmidt (June, 2022)
Aoyama, K., Tajika, E., and Ozaki, K. (2022) Estimating burial rates of organic carbon in terrestrial and marine environments through Phanerozoic time using a geochemical model. Goldschmidt (June, 2022)
Watanabe, Y., Tajika, E., and Ozaki, K. (2022) Co-evolution of marine oxygen and iron biogeochemical cycles in the history of the Earth. JpGU (May, 2022)
Watanabe, Y., Tajika, E., and Ozaki, K. (2022) Interactions of atmosphere and marine biosphere after the emergence of oxygenic photosynthesis in the early Earth. JpGU (May, 2022)
Kobayashi, H. and Ozaki, K. (2022) Biogeochemical modeling perspective on the role of phosphorus cycle during the Great Oxidation Event. JpGU (May, 2022)
Watanabe Y., Tajika, E., and Ozaki, K., Hong, P. K. (2021) Haze formation limits the primary productivity of marine anaerobic ecosystem during the Archean. Goldschmidt (July, 2021)
Smart, M. S., Ozaki, K., Reinhard, C. T., Marshall, J. E. A., Whiteside, J., Gilhooly, W., and Filippelli, G. (2021) Modeling global biosphere response to enhanced riverine nutrient delivery during the Late Devonian Kellwasser Event. Goldschmidt (July, 2021)
渡辺泰人, 田近英一, 尾﨑和海, 洪鵬 (2021) Upper limit of the activity of anaerobic microbial ecosystem in the early Earth. JpGU Annual Meeting 2021 (Virtual, June)
Watanabe, Y., Tajika, E., Ozaki, K., and Hong, P. K. (2021) Effect of hydrocarbon haze on marine primary production in the early Earth system. EGU 2021 (April)
渡辺泰人, 田近英一, 尾﨑和海, 洪鵬 (2020) Potential positive feedback mechanisms in an anoxic environmental system of a planet with CO2-CH4 atmosphere. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 (Virtual, July)
渡辺泰人, 田近英一, 尾﨑和海, 洪鵬 (2020) Effect of hydrocarbon haze on climate stability under weakly oxidized late Archean environment. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 (Virtual, July)
三木あかり, 田近英一, 尾﨑和海 (2020) Modelling the behaviors of marine carbon isotopic composition after Neoproterozoic snowball Earth event. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 (Virtual, July)
青山和弘, 田近英一, 尾﨑和海 (2020) Variations of burial rates of organic carbon in terrestrial and marine environments during the Phanerozoic. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 (Virtual, July)
Cole, D. B., Ozaki, K., and Reinhard, C. T. (2020) Biogeochemically feasible levels of nutrient availability, biospheric productivity, and atmospheric oxygen. Goldschmidt (Virtual, June)
Ozaki, K. and Miura, Y. (2020) Sulfur cycle dynamics during the Great Oxidation Event. Goldschmidt (Virtual, June)
Watanabe Y., Tajika, E., Ozaki, K., and Hong, P. K. (2019) Global carbon cycle and climate stability in the Archean: Haze-free warm condition in the anoxic Earth system. American Geophysical Union (San Francisco, USA, December)
Ozaki, K. and Reinhard, C. T. (2019) Limited biological productivity in the Archean anoxic ocean. Goldschmidt (Barcelona, Spain, August)
Planavsky, N., Reinhard, C. T., Isson, T., Ozaki, K., and Crockford, P. (2019) Low Mid-Proterozoic atmospheric oxygen levels? Goldschmidt (Barcelona, Spain, August)
Watanabe Y., Tajika, E., Ozaki, K., and Hong, P. K. (2019) Global carbon cycle and climate stability in the early Earth system.
渡辺泰人, 田近英一, 尾﨑和海, 洪鵬 (2019) Effects of the formation of hydrocarbon aerosols on the climate stability of Earth-like planets and their habitability. 地球惑星科学連合大会2019年大会(千葉幕張メッセ 5月)
芳賀万由子, 田近英一, 尾﨑和海 (2019) Response of primary producers in the ocean anoxic events during the Cretaceous. 地球惑星科学連合大会2019年大会(千葉幕張メッセ 5月)
三浦優奈, 尾﨑和海 (2019) Biogeochemical dynamics during the Great Oxidation Event constrained by a biogeochemical cycle model. 地球惑星科学連合大会2019年大会(千葉幕張メッセ 5月)
Ozaki, K. and Reinhard, C. T. (2019) The future life span of oxygen-based biosignature on Earth. European Geosciences Union (Wien, Austria, April)
尾﨑和海, 田近英一, Reinhard, C. T. (2018) 原生代中期の"停滞した生物活動"とその酸素収支への影響, 地球環境史学会(東北大学 11月)
尾﨑和海, Reinhard, C. T. (2018) 富酸素地球大気の持続期間, 日本地球化学会年会(琉球大学 9/11)
Zijian, L., Owens, J. D., Planavsky, N. J., Ozaki, K., and Reinhard, C. T. (2018) A thallium isotope record of ocean oxygenation during the Lomagundi Event. Goldschmidt (Boston, USA, August).
Ozaki, K., Tajika, E., Hong, P. K., Nakagawa, Y., and Reinhard, C. T. (2017) Climatic consequences of methane boosting by photoferrotrophs in the Archean atmosphere. Goldschmidt (Paris, France, August)
Ozaki, K., Tajika, E., Hong, P. K., and Reinhard, C. T. (2017) Primitive photosynthesis and Earth's early climate. Geobiology Society 1st Conference (Banff, Canada, June)
Ozaki, K., Tajika, E. and Reinhard, C. T. (2017) Limited O2 production in the Mid-Proterozoic oceans. AbSciCon 2017 (Mesa, USA, April)
Ikeda, M.,Ozaki, K. and Tada, R. (2016) Global silica cycle paced by astronomical cycles recorded in the Mesozoic bedded chert: Implications for early Mesozoic extinctions. American Geophysical Union (San Francisco, USA, December)
Takahashi, S., Gordon, G., Ozaki, K., Yamasaki, S., Kumura, K., Anbar, A., and Tada, R. (2016) Variations of U and Mo isotopes across the deep sea Permian-Triassic boundary. Goldschmidt (Yokohama, Japan, June)
Ozaki, K. and Tajika, E. (2015) Towards a quantitative understanding of the mid-Proterozoic redox state of the atmosphere and oceans. Goldschmidt (Praha, Czech, August)
Ozaki, K. and Tajika, E. (2015) Widespread euxinia in the aftermath of the Lomagundi event: insights from a modeling study of ocean biogeochemical dynamics. European Geosciences Union (Wien, Austria, April)
Harada, M., Ozaki, K., Tajika, E., and Sekine, Y. (2014) Overshoot of atmospheric oxygen caused by the Paleoproterozoic snowball glaciation: constraining its magnitude and duration from biogeochemical cycle modeling. American Geophysical Union (San Francisco, USA, December)
Kuroyanagi, A., Ozaki, K., and Kawahata, H. (2014) Effect of Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events on the evolutionary trend of planktonic foraminifera. American Geophysical Union (San Francisco, USA, December)
Harada, M., Ozaki, K., Tajika, E., and Sekine, Y. (2014) Modeling dynamics of the rise of oxygen during Paleoproterozoic: deep water oxygenation and sulfate accumulation in the post-snowball ocean. Geological Society of America (Vancouver, Canada, October)
Ozaki, K. (2013) Modeling oxygenation of an ocean-atmosphere system during the Late Ordovician-Devonian. American Geophysical Union (San Francisco , USA, December)
Harada, M., Tajika, E., Sekine, Y., and Ozaki, K. (2013) Numerical study of mechanisms and timescales of oxygenation and interpretation of geological records in the snowball Earth aftermath. Geological Society of America (Denver, USA, October)
Ozaki, K. and Tajika, E. (2013) Conditions for Proterozoic anoxic and non-sulfidic ocean: Constraints from ocean biogeochemical cycle model. Goldschmidt (Florence, Italy, August)
Harada, M., Tajika, E., Sekine, Y., and Ozaki, K. (2013) Modeling the rise of oxygen in the Snowball earth aftermath: implications for the Paleoproterozoic manganese and iron formation. Japan Geoscience Union (Chiba, Japan, May)
Harada, M., Tajika, E., Sekine, Y., and Ozaki, K. (2012) Rise of oxygen induced by Paleoproterozoic snowball glaciation: Insights from biogeochemical cycle modeling. American Geophysical Union (USA, December)
Ozaki, K. and Tajika, E. (2012) Modeling the Redox Chemistry of Mid-Proterozoic Atmosphere-Ocean System. Geological Society of America (Charlotte, USA, October)
Ozaki, K. and Tajika, E. (2012) Modeling ocean acidification and de-oxygenation: Testing the linkage between large igneous province and Ocean Anoxic Event. Goldschmidt (Montreal, Canada, June)
Ozaki, K. and Tajika, E. (2011) Modeling oceanic redox conditions during the Phanerozoic: Constraints from a one-dimensional ocean biogeochemical cycle model. European Geosciences Union (Wien, Austria, April)
Ozaki, K. and Tajika, E. (2008) Conditions for global ocean anoxia obtained from a one-dimensional ocean biogeochemical cycle model. American Geophysical Union (San Francisco, USA, December)